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game Do you play older games?

For threads discussing games on PC, consoles, or other platforms.
Most of the games I play are older ones. It's rare that I play modern games, unless it's in a franchise I love or it really catches my eye.
I do regularly revisit my old favourites. It's interesting to play those games. I like to see the old graphics and the simple gameplay. It adds some level of excitement to my game. Not quite long, I just finished playing Super Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda. Those games never get old.
There is something nolstagic about playing the classic titles. I still go back to those games. It brings back old memories, especially the ones that I cherished a lot. Not only that, they also remind me of gaming's evolution.
Yes, I still play some of my older games. I was the person who bought them which means they were good games. I will not dump them simply because they are old.
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