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movie Before the Fire (2020)

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Title: Before the Fire

Tagline: There's no place like home

Genre: Drama,Thriller

Director: Charlie Buhler

Cast: Jenna Lyng Adams,Jackson Davis,Ryan Vigilant,Charles Hubbell,Lisa Goodman,M.J. Karmi

Status: Released

Release: 2020-03-14

Runtime: 92

Plot: Deep in the throes of a global pandemic, up and coming TV star, Ava Boone, is forced to flee the mounting chaos in Los Angeles and return to her rural hometown. But as she struggles to acclimate to a way of life she left behind long ago, her homecoming attracts a dangerous figure from her past – threatening both her and the family that serves as her only sanctuary.

Where to watch

Trailer Cast Crew Videos

    • Jenna Lyng Adams

      Ava Boone
    • Jackson Davis

      Kelly Rhodes
    • Ryan Vigilant

      Max Rhodes
    • Charles Hubbell

      Jasper Boone
    • Lisa Goodman

      Maddy Boone
    • M.J. Karmi

      Betsy Rhodes
    • Charlie Buhler (Directing)

    • Palmer Schallon (Production)

      Production Designer
    • Drew Bienemann (Camera)

      Director of Photography
    • Jenna Lyng Adams (Writing)

    • Brian Denny (Editing)

    • A.R. Björklund (Directing)

      Script Supervisor
    • Before the Fire - Official Movie Trailer (2020)

      • Trailer
Movie information in first post provided by The Movie Database
This movie seemed realistic but was also confusing. It wasn't clear why Ava dislikes her parents or if she and her boyfriend make it out alive in the end.

The story felt personal, especially from a guy's point of view, but it didn't have a clear message. There wasn't any backstory for Ava's bad relationships, and it felt like an important scene was missing, which made the story feel lost.

Although it's advertised as a post-apocalyptic sci-fi about a pandemic, it's really a drama about a messed-up family.
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